With every course purchase, your name will be entered into the drawing. Purchasing the bundle increases your chances, as your name will be entered three times! This opportunity is available until December 31, 2024.
Don’t miss out—act now!
Widows Ministry is an essential part of James 1:27 as the foundation for all ministry! Whether you are a widow or not, learn how to activate your prayer army for all avenues of ministry! The comprehensive course includes twelve (once a week) 2 to 3 hours of revelation and on-line training. This 3-month course, includes curriculum and homework, is set up so you can do it at your own pace. Be a part of a Private social media networking with other leaders. $550. Register below
This program builds on the foundation of PRAYER to reach communities, businesses, and for the Community Chaplain Program. Revelation on prayer, guidelines, and protocols are included in these twelve week on-line sessions though you are welcome to go at your own . Resource downloads include Prayer Chaplaincy manual and homework assignments. Social media networking with other leaders is on our the private social media group. Prayer Chaplain Certificate awarded upon successful completion. $550.
Prayer Chaplain program is a prerequisite to this additional 3 months of training. Twelve, (once a week) 2 to 3 hour training on-line sessions. Learn Protocol for "hands-on" services in your community. Downloads include Community Chaplaincy manual and homework assignments. Chaplaincy Certification & badge is through GLLOW School of Ministry. (30 Credits are available through MII when all three courses are taken, and requirements met.) $550. Register after taking Prayer Chaplaincy
Entering the Heart of God through True Worship
Learn the power of widows' prayer!
Or...Be a Widows Ministry Leader!
3 month Course
Bringing Heaven to Earth through Prayer Chaplaincy
Learn Prayer Principles & Become a Prayer Chaplain!
3 month Course
Transforming your Territory through Community Chaplaincy
Opens opportunities!
(follows Prayer Chaplaincy)
3 month course
Receive all three courses at a discounted rate
for widows and non-widows with a heart to serve
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With every course purchase, your name will be entered into the drawing.