Dr. CarolMarie is an international speaker & writer, inspiring audiences worldwide! She is a Licensed Chaplain, Ordained Minister and Bishop with Ministries International.
Dr. CarolMarie speaks from an intimate place with the Lord that causes you to want to climb into the Father’s heart too! Her unique revelation from Him will transform you, helping you discover why you are here and where you fit! She delivers her practical messages with humor but with such insight it will speak deep within your spirit!
CarolMarie received her Honorary Doctorate from Manna Bible College for pioneering widows’ ministry for 11 years in India. As a Chaplain, Dr. CarolMarie received her training at Lee University Seminary and also through CRI working with individuals in distress, disasters, and trauma to bring healing and relief. She served as Head Chaplain at the Widows Ministry Center in Sevierville, TN.
Dr. CM is a graduate from "In Christ's Image" under Francis Frangipane. and was commissioned through Glory of Zion International Ministries under Chuck Pierce.
Her love for the Hebrew language is evident by her achievements at the Israel Institute of Biblical Studies.
Dr. CM was a businesswoman for years before going full time into ministry thus she knows the heart of the workplace and their needs. Combining that with the widows prayer has brought many businesses into a place of blessing through the intercession of the widows she has trained.
Currently Dr. CarolMarie serves with the Knox County Sheriff's Office as a S.C.A.N. Officer reaching out to the elderly and those marginalized.
She loves people! And when you receive a hug from her, you know that Jesus is hugging you also!
Dr.CM has founded several international ministries along with GLLOW School of Ministry LLC, which she currently serves as the CEO/ Director and Head Trainer. Dr. CarolMarie has been in full time ministry for over twenty-five years, ministering to widows and leaders training up Prayer and Community Chaplains, and helping individuals use their gifts and calling for the Kingdom.
Dr. CarolMarie has been a widow herself since 1999 and has a passion to see lives restored and empowered with fresh purpose. Dr. CarolMarie is a TV and radio personality, an international speaker and writer, authoring courses and manuals that are used around the world.
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